Dark Fantasy Books

The Best Dark Fantasy Books for the Aspiring Evil Lord

Are you looking for the best dark fantasy books? Are you looking for amoral protagonists, anti-heroes, and complexly drawn characters stumbling their way through a world of muted greys (and corpses)? Are you a dark lord who has plenty of minions and not enough heroes to kill? Or maybe you are dealing with a particularly

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16 Horrifying Thoughts Torn from the Annals of the Black Company

One of the things I love most about dark fantasy books is their cynical wisdom and fearless truth-telling. You know the kind of book I’m talking about. The kind the world doesn’t want you to read. The kind that smells of “mystery and dark doings, of skullduggery and revenge,” as Croaker might have said. These

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The Definitive Guide to Being an Anti-Hero

For many people, especially those readers of dark fantasy books, meeting an anti-hero is something they take for granted.  After watching us connive and concoct so many schemes, assassinations, and angry revenges, they might even believe they can match the success of our dark knavery. But what does it take to be an anti-hero?  It’s

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Fantasy Books for Adults Riddled with Intrigue & Mayhem

You used to love reading books like the Hobbit, or the Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and the Dark Elf trilogy, but then you grew up and lost touch with the fantasy genre.  (That is what happened to me, anyways.) But there are now fantasy books for adults, because there were plenty of other

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4 Reasons Why You Must Read Dark Fantasy Books. The Last Is Devilishly Good.

What is the appeal of all these dark fantasy books featuring anti-heroes who are seemingly capable of committing terrifying deeds of murder and mayhem? Why are so many modern fantasy authors at work in this subsection of the genre? If you are looking for a break from your classic epic fantasy novel, and are looking

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